Monday, November 10, 2008

November the Tenth

Yesterday I added a bunch of Links to my personal homepage. Eventually, this will be expanded to include links to anything and everything that I've found to be useful and relevant.
Today's agenda, copied from my lovely Google Calendar:

psuKnowHow - Phys 250

Heading back to Fenske after this.
Working until 12:30, then lunch at Redifer on the way back.

psuKnowHow - Phys 212
2:30p ChE 438
4p psuKnowHow - Biol 230 [[CANCELED]]
5p psuKnowHow - Phys 250

Dinner at Simmons, perhaps?

8p BMB 401H Review

Actually 9-10pm!

10pm-3am, chilling in Fenske with Ben, Brian, Bryan
3-7am sleep
The things that 100% MUST be completed today:
1. Bioprocess homework submission
2. Ethics worksheet completion
3. Thermo paper writeup
4. Germination media distribution

After all of that (hah), gotta do a storyboard for AIChE, get started on that bioseparations homework, and decide how exactly to tackle the upcoming BMB exam.

If I can get through the above, I will have dodged this week's bullet.

Plans for the Spring:

3 ChE 494H Research
3 ChE 496 Independent Study (Book Coauthoring)
3 BMB 402 Biochemical Pathways
3 BMB 474 Analytical Biochemistry
3 ChE 450 Process Control
3 Engr 407 Tech Entrepreneurship

Plan for completing the ESHIP minor more-or-less painlessly:

Engr 411 - already completed
Engr 310 - completing this semester
Elective #1 - substitute FdSc 406

Engr 407 - Tech Entrepreneurship, spring semester
Engr 4xx - Substitute Learning Factory project!
Elective #2.1 - substitute Current Issues in Biotech course
Elective #2.2 - substitute Life Science Ethics course

I already planned to take everything but 407, and I hear that course is a good one (if that means anything). I've gotten a few worthwhile things out of the minor so far, so we'll have to see how it goes.

If plans change, anything two-credit that's mildly business-related could be subbed for the Current Issues course.

Probably not going to bother:
3 Biotc 479 Plant Tissue Culture Biotechnology
Dropping this will open up four hours on Wednesday for things that I don't already know how to do.

Judo for the spring? I'll have to see how I feel by then.

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