Saturday, November 22, 2008

November the Twenty-Second

It's going to be a cold break... temperatures are not expected to rise above 40 degrees in the next ten days.

Laptop file backup is underway. I'm organizing as I backup, so this could take a while. Once everything is backed up, I'll probably reformat.

Carnivorous plants continue to grow crazy well. Plan is to do a very large round of surface sterilization this weekend, for creation of embryogenic material (for propagation, and for intermittent-effluent bioreactor test).

Wakeup (8:30, seven hours)
Water the plants
File backup
Surface Sterilization
Pizza Dinner at Redifer w/Brian
Pizza Delivery (home)
Computer part scroungin'
LeydePC assembly
Computer success!
ChemE party
46 Crash

And now, my feature presentation:

(Way too amused at this for my own good)

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