Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December the 29th - 2009 Wrap-Up

Firefox and Pidgin beta installations
Google Docs organization
BMMB 598C syllabus review
XMarks cleanup

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December the 16th - 100th Post!


Wake Up: 11PM Sunday the 13th
Worked until morning on laboratory organization materials
Went out to brunch with Sydney and Dr C on Monday morning
Returned to Fenske to continue studying
Studied ChE 535-Rxn Eng overnight
Nap, midnight-1:30am on Tuesday the 15th
ChE 535 exam, 8am
Retrieved feedback for ChE 535 presentation project
Returned to apartment briefly
India Pavilion!  (Annette, Ben, Sydney, Dr. C, Matt, Brian, Jilli)
Returned to lab to design 'Electronic Laboratory Notebook'
Spiraling doom...
CRASH (6:30PM)

Wake Up: 2:30AM Wednesday the 16th
Set up 'Software Configuration' site
Organized some Course Harvest stuff; created 'Classes_Multimedia' sync
Pack up, head to lab!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August the 31st

Write 'SHOtime Reflections' paper

Stop by the HUB; fill out 'officer report form'
  • Vice President - Kristin Adolfsen (kja5015)
  • Secretary – Stephen Pishney (srp5072)
  • Treasurer – Dan Reilly (dtr5016)
  • Service Chair – Taylor Schulz (tcs5043)
Pick up camera tripod from Matt

Plan 'Toxic Mold: A Housewarming Party'

Maybe Chem 212 tutoring (1-2pm)... check messages!

ChE 438 videotaping

Inoculate aerobic (dd1,7,1cy,7cy) cultures for plasmid harvest

ENGR 497I - Teaching Internship at night

Continue process Lab Access Request forms
Honors Orientation
Complete by posting Mentor Evaluation
Sign up for next year in September!

OXE - ChemE Honors
Fill out 'officer report' form in HUB
Decide on when to have the first informational meeting
Work on 'introductory meeting planning document'

Friday, August 21, 2009

Penn State Scheduling

// College Is A Party //

Fall 2006 (7 ChE, 3 BMB)
ChE 210H - ChemE Material Balances
ChE 220H - ChemE Thermodynamics
BMB 251H - Molecular and Cellular Biology I
Engl 030H - Rhetoric and Composition
Chem 038 - Organic Chemistry I
Math 251.101 - Partial Differential Equations
ChE 097S - ChemE Freshman Seminar
Kines 089 - ORION Program

Spring 2007 (4 ChE, 3 BMB, 1 ChE)
ChE 350 - Process Heat Transfer
ME 033 - Fluid Dynamics
Chem 039 - Organic Chemistry II
BMB 252H - Molecular and Cellular Biology II
Micrb 201H - Microbiology
Photo 100 - Photographic Arts
ChE 300 - Professional Development Seminar

Summer 2007
Engr 295 - Co-Op I
EE 305 - Circuits and Devices
EMch 013 - Strength of Materials

Fall 2007
Engr 395 - Co-Op II
Nutr 100 - Contemporary Nutrition Concerns
Art 003 - Visual Images On The Web
Art 297A - Intro to Web Design
Matse 081 - Intro to Materials Science

Spring 2008
ChE 340 - Biomolecular Engineering
ChE 360 - Mathematical Modeling
ChE 410 - Mass Transfer Operations
Engr 411 - Entrepreneurship Business Basics
FdSc 406 - Biochemistry of Nutrition
IBIOS 593 - Molecular Laboratory Methods
Kines 017 - Ballroom Dance

Fall 2008
ChE 524 – Principles and Applications of Thermodynamics
ChE 438 – Bioprocess Engineering
ChE 449 – Bioseparations
BMB 401H – Honors Biochemistry
LA 498H – Honors Leadership Mentoring
Engr 310 – Entrepreneurial Leadership
ChE 494H – Honors ChemE Research

Spring 2009
BMB 474 – Analytical Biochemistry
ChE 597C – Scientific and Technical Communication
BMB 402 – Biochemical Pathways
Phys 214 – Wave and Quantum Mechanics
ChE 494H – Honors ChemE Research
ChE 496 – Independent Project

Fall 2009
LA 498H - Honors Leadership Mentoring
Engr 497I - Teaching Internship Seminar
Chem 457 - Experimental Physical Chemistry
BMB 400 - Molecular Biology of the Gene
ChE 535 - Chemical Reaction Engineering
ChE 494H – Honors ChemE Research
ChE 496 – Independent Project
ChE 494H 12 Credits
ChE 496 6 Credits

Sunday, August 9, 2009

August the Ninth

Current schedule for Fall 2009:

ChE 535 3 Graduate Reaction Engineering
Chem 457 2 Physical Chemistry Lab
Engr 497I 0.5 Teaching Intern Orientation
LA 498H 1 Honors Orientation
ChE 494H 3 Honors Research
ChE 496 3 Independent Study
BMB 400 2 Molecular Genetics
ChE 320 3 Phase and Chemical Equilibrium (Web)

Total Credits: 17.5 (10 of courses, 6 of research, 1.5 of orientations)

May just audit ChE 320; may just skip BMB 400 (5 credits overall)
Current schedule for Spring 2010:

ChE 470 3 ChemE Design
ChE 480M 2 ChemE Lab
Chem 452 3 Quantum Chem
Chem 466 3 Statistical Thermo
ChE 494H 3 Honors Research
ChE 496 3 Independent Study

Total Credits: 17 (11 of courses, 6 of research)

May just skip Chem 452 (3 credits)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June the 16th

Carnivorous Plant Toolkit:

Sterile Microcentrifuge Tubes
Sterile 1mL Pipette Tips
1mL Pipetteman

Sterile 25mL graduated cylinder
Sterile 500mL distilled water
Sterile Forceps
Sterile Spoonulas

Tabletop centrifuge
  1. D. capensis "Narrow"
  2. D. capensis "Albino"
  3. D. burmannii
  4. D. tokaiensis


Friday, April 3, 2009

April the Third

So... that bike ride never happened. I ran into a prospective student on my way out, and I put the hour toward a tour of the place instead. After that I tutored physics and got half-price dinner at Pita Pit, and planned to finish off the night with a physics lab. Unsurprisingly, I got distracted in Fenske... and ended up spending ~5 hours teaching material balances and thermodynamics to a group of students that had gathered.

It's almost 5am again... and probably a good time to look at tomorrow.

A Full Day

1200-1400 Tutoring (organic chemistry)
-- Lunch and coordination with home --
-- Review Session planning --
1640-1730 ChE 340 Review
1800-2300 Ag Ball

The Weekend

-- Review Session Coordination --
1400-1800 OChem Review Session
-- Apartment Redux --

The Further Weekend

-- All day reserved for biochemical engineering --

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April the Second

This morning I got caught up with some organizational stuff in my apartment, and ended up skipping my first class (along with my last two classes as well!) I managed to sort through all kinds of junk from home, and filter out a good many useful things that I had lost (gloves) or didn't know I had (a million pens). Feeling very well-armed for the day, I DID make it to my second class almost on-time.

Speaking of filtering... apparently bovine serum albumin is used as a stand-in for antibodies in viral filtration studies? BSA is a model protein, but it binds non-specifically to lipids, other proteins, and itself, thanks to hydrophobic patches on the outside of the molecule. Nothing indicates to me that anything learned from BSA would carry over to actual monoclonal antibody production. This is something to look into.

After class, I spent a solid two hours on my network sync project, helping it along by manually transferring files on a 300GB removable hard drive. All of my stuff is almost sync'ed! Once it is, I can begin the long, slow process of organizing everything and doing manual 'version control', culling out the junk that's outdated or no longer useful.

As part of my file management, I've taken to re-learning some Windows command prompt stuff: http://commandwindows.com/command2.htm
Very useful, for anyone who does anything remotely administrative.

My internet domain is almost completely set up! Obviously this account transferred without a hitch, but my Logical Extreme site is also going along as planned: I have Google Apps installed and working on it, and I have all of the FTP and DNS stuff worked out so that my own content uploads and displays correctly. The plan is to use this as a model to show the utility of this hybrid Google/Custom HTML system for managing teams (more specifically, for dealing with the complexities that arise when a single academic research project has active members that are separated by distance and time). Could this turn itself into a business? Dunno if the market is large enough, but it's always worth a shot.

More after the break... weather is just too nice, and it's time for some cycling before I tutor and prep for tonight's physics lab.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

March the Twenty-Seventh

*Wakeup* (11am)
Tutoring (12-3pm)
Mentoring stuff
ChE 340
Nap (8-12am)
*Sleep* (6am)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March the Twenty-Fifth

Major OChem Review (all non-rxn Midterm 3 material)
-- breakfast --
12:00-3:00 Tutoring - Chem 210 and BMB 251
Head back to apartment to clean up...
Reformat refurbished hard drive (with external adapter)
-- Dinner -- (quesadillas with Ben)
4:30 - 6:00 ChE 340

AIChE Signup (extended until April 8th!)
Collect some research direction from emails
Backup to Transfer Drive

Review ChE 210, 220 material
Apartment Phys 214:
  • ( ) Read chapters 33, 34
  • ( ) Prewrite lab report
Begin prepping OChem Review Powerpoint

BMB 402
  • Finish "electron transport chain" readings
ChE 597C
  • Organize Website
  • Rescue plants; check on CPTC
  • Rebuild transfer hard drive
  • Activate sync on P4_H2O
  • Learn how to use RefWorks
  • Pfalzcraft warranty information
  • Jesse's Project
AIChE Regionals (Mid-Atlantic)

Very little information available!
  • Register for $65 until April 8th
  • Register for $80 until the day-of
  • Paper and Poster Competitions require the following:
    Name, Email, Institution, Research Area and Topic
    Description of the Paper/Poster
  • AIChE Paper Competition website

Pushing forward the HERSHEY collaboration seems like something that could be done with minimal effort since they are very interested and very excited about potential of isotopic labeling.
BRANDON ... do the sell N-15 labeled yeast extract?
The primary NMR work would be done with just N-15 labeling and not carbon. Some planning there would also be useful.

Building a floatation meter (with multiple LEDs) is still something i would like to undertake ASAP. Working with the details of the algae floatimeter would lend directly to constructing a simple flow through device to monitor absorption ratio for example for a computer controlled feed strategy for a reactor.

BRANDON, we need to push hard for a conference call with ARGONNE - tomorrow if possible.
Push for new round of data as well as cloning maps for planning.
I will send email this AM.
Clearly need to take a shot at draft of Woodward grant to get that off dead center.
The details of what Hershey will do will have to be super crudely sketched out to help them start filling in blanks.
I sent letter to NIH to request ability to update the NIH-RO1 proposal for the updated strategy for membrane proteins with Hershey.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March the Twenty-Fourth

Shower; file download
-- breakfast --
8:45-9:45 Tutoring - Chem 212
9:45-12:30 Class

Head back to apartment to work on Phys 214:
  • (X) Set up WebAssign
  • ( ) Read first chapter (33)
  • ( ) Do first WebAssign (Hwk 2)
  • ( ) Prewrite lab report
4:00-5:00 Tutoring - Phys 250
-- dinner --

Review ChE 210, 220 material
Begin prepping OChem Review (aromatics)

BMB 402

  • Finish "electron transport chain" readings
ChE 597C
  • Organize Website
  • AIChE Presentation details
  • Rescue plants; check on CPTC
  • Rebuild transfer hard drive
  • Activate sync on P4_H2O
  • Learn how to use RefWorks

Chemical Engineering
  • Experimental Design
  • Rational Data Fitting
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Numerical Methods and Modeling
  • Biochemical Thermodynamics
  • Molecular Stability, Enzymes and Kinetics, Concentration, Pathways and Regulation
Thought: teach a ChemE 'overview course' that treats the cell as a chemical reactor!

Monday, March 23, 2009

March the Twenty-Third

Apps, Blog home: http://brandoncurtis.net
Projects home: http://logicalextreme.net

Google Apps, Blogger relocation
Web hosting research
Web host setup (7.5 cents per day!)

Garden Plot!

pKH email
PSU policy review
Org Intent paperwork pickup

Open Source Web Design
Filezilla FTP Engine

Need to get a bit more organized online...

BMB 402

  • Finish "electron transport chain" readings
BMB 474
  • NONE
Phys 214
  • Set up WebAssign
  • Read first chapter (34?)
  • Prewrite lab report
ChE 597C
  • Organize website
ChE 340
  • Feedback Form
  • Organization paperwork pickup
  • OChem Review stuff
  • AIChE presentation info
  • Register domain name
    Web Hosting Pad
  • Learn how to use RefWorks
  • Plant rescue
  • Check on CPTC
  • Rebuild transfer hard drive

Monday, March 2, 2009

March the 2nd

*wakeup* (1pm)
Grant stuff - OPTIMIZER
psuKnowHow - feedback form

Review Sessions on campus?
Improve previous Review Packets
Plan for upcoming Review Sessions
Feedback Forms - review sessions, private instruction

Stuff due this week
597C stuff
402 exam
474 exam

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March the 1st

OChem OChem OChem
psuKnowHow Emails


Grant Stuff
ChE 597C Web Design
BMB 402 Review
BMB 474 Review

Thursday, February 26, 2009

February the 26th


BMB 474 - work on ChE 597C stuff
ChE 597C - work on Chem 210 Review
- Fast Lunch -
BMB 402 - work on Chem 210 Review

Tutoring - Chem 210
Tutoring - Phys 250

ChE 597C stuff
Review Session stuff
Research Writing stuff
ChE 340 stuff

BMB 474 Test
BMB 402 Test

February the 25th

*wakeup* (8am)

To Do

Zydney - Bio Option course review
'Artificial Dormancy' project
Set up grow rack
Return library book
MP3 transfer (test rebuilt drive)
Rhodo Reactor Run paper

WRC: Library Notice?
Verizon discount for psu employees?

Check on CP order

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February the 24th

*wakeup* (5am)
Micrb 106 Review
Breakfast! (pancakes, oatmeal)
Tutoring (Chem 212)

Monday, February 23, 2009

February the 23rd

*wakeup* (12:30pm)
Office chair repair
Facebook Cleanup
BMB 402 notes review
Tutoring - Micrb 106
Music Boosters fundraiser dinner
KnowHow - file transfers and Office 2007 discovery
Garden House - pasta and stirfry (multiple meals)
Software install/uninstall/configuration
Breakfast planning and setup
*nap* (4:30am)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

February the 22nd

*wakeup* (2pm)
Wash dishes, clean the bathroom (1 hour)
Lunch, Algebra II (2 hours)
  • Tortillas, black beans, avocado, hot salsa, sharp cheddar, green peppers, jalapenos...
Nap (2 hours)
  • Cereal
  • Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans
  • Soy Milk
ChE 340 Statistics Review and Email
Mushroom Saute
  • Spring Greens
  • Carrots
  • Green Peppers
  • Sauteed Mushrooms
  • Olives
  • Olive Oil + Balsamic Vinegar + Parmesan Cheese
BMB 402 Slides Review

Saturday, February 21, 2009

February the 21st

*wakeup* (2pm)
Bob Dylan
Soup and cereal to work
Wheatabix and Peachy Paterno at Barnard Street
psuKnowHow computer improvements
Capsaicin research
Text message archiving

On Deck

BMB 402 Slides Review
Review for Chem 210, test 2
Clean up ChE 597C homeworks >> Website
Math 110 Review Session Materials
ChE 340 Review Email
Erik - Math

Scholarships - http://www.engr.psu.edu/scholarships/
Chem 110, 112, 210 Review Session Planning
Bike Wash
Bike maintenance 'clinic'
Complete setup of the first growth rack in A14

One-Week Resolutions

Ten bowls of cereal/soup (2/22-2/29)

Friday, February 20, 2009

February the 20th

*wakeup* (8:20am)
Determine exactly what courses are needed for ChE, BMB
Matt - Scheduling
Ben - WW access
Jeremy - Instruction Update
General email purge
Return to Garden House... Breakfast, Shower
ChE 340 Meeting
Tutoring - Chem 212
ChE 340 planning
ChE 340 Review
Dinner @ Home
Email Review
Back to campus!

On Deck

Scholarships - http://www.engr.psu.edu/scholarships/

Thursday, February 19, 2009

February the 19th

*wakeup* (8am)
Bike brake pad swap
Complete dish wash
Food to Fenske
BMB 402 Review
NETL meeting
Phys 250 Tutoring
Trek to Wartik
Email sorting
Phone Home

On Deck

Review Session Planning
ChE 597C Homework
BMB 402 Slides Review
Bike Wash
Erik - Math
Matt - Scheduling
Determine exactly what courses are needed for ChE, BMB


Pick up tickets, hard drive, monitor from home
Guaranty signatures for '09-'10 lease

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February the 18th

Garden plot signup and planning
  • WSK garden?
  • BPL greenhouse?
Road bike brake swap
psuKnowHow advertising
Bill mailing
More bike work
psuKnowHow advertising
Tutoring: BMB 251
Voicemail deconvolution
Angel deconstruction
ChE 340 - both sections

Determine exactly what courses are needed for ChE, BMB
BMB 402 Review
Bike wash
Complete dish wash
ChE 597C Homework

On Deck

Hit home: pick up tickets, replacement hard drive
Signatures for Garanty
Bike maintenance 'clinic'
Complete setup of the first growth rack in A14



Decide to do one thing at a time
Showers take 15-20 mins... plan accordingly
Cereal can replace most meals... plant cereal components at work

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February the Tenth

*wakeup* (8am)
psuKnowHow - Chem 212 (8:45)
BMB 474
ChE 597C
Lunch (Cereal)
Apartment Selection

On Deck

Clean up ChE 597C homeworks >> Website
CERS Paper Submission Review

Review M.O. Theory; Notes Writeup
Review psuKnowHow (questions I couldn't answer!)

Spring Scheduling
Summer Discovery Grant
Scholarship Overview
IUG Paperwork
Read Rhodo grant
Phys 250 - Prep review materials

Monday, February 9, 2009

February the Ninth - Brief Hiatus!

I've been busy with any number of things, but I've come to the realization that I'm more productive when I actively record what I do. Why? I think it's an issue of accountability... when I take the time to write it out, I can review what's getting done and what isn't and it's remotivating.

So, I'm back.

*wakeup* (9:10am)
Bed shift and remake
Apartment Cleanup
  • Wash, put away dishes
  • Wipe countertops
  • Take out trash
  • Sort recyclables
  • Sort mail
  • Sort clothing
Post Office Visit
  • Ship broken hard drive
  • Buy stamps for bills
Write - Write - Write

Lunch, OChem tutoring...
ChE 340 Feedback Form: update and mail
Text message recording
Set up voicemail recording

One-Week Resolutions (a year is way too long)
  • Avoid psuKnowHow candy (2/9-2/16)
  • At least one meal of a bowl of cereal per day (2/9-2/16)

On Deck:

Clean up ChE 597C homeworks >> Website
Review Carbonyl Chemistry; Notes Writeup
CERS Paper Submission Review

Review M.O. Theory; Notes Writeup
Review psuKnowHow (questions I couldn't answer!)
Read Rhodo grant
Phys 250 - Prep review materials

Dr. C:

Round Table Group
Set up YouMail retrieval
Springer 'Expression Systems' book?


psuKnowHow Activity Summary (lasers)
Spring Break >>> Concert Plans (tickets)
TI Application

Monday, January 19, 2009

January the Eighteenth

*wakeup* (~8am)
Hot water heating
Morning baking
Baked cinnamon apples with raisins, pecans, and vanilla ice cream
White vinegar soak
LS for Conviron check...
Patent Review polishing
Home for pizza
*crash* on the floor...
Back to Fenske
Rhodo sample transfer
Waterin' the plants; fixture musical chairs
Laser sales update; unpacking, testing, labeling...
Back to Garden House (~1:30am)
Major bathtub scrubbin'
Internets and Banana Bread
Eleven days of blog catch-up! (to 5:15am)
Grapes, soy milk, tortilla, cheese, black beans, green peppers, hot salsa, dill

What a week...

Planning for tomorrow (Monday):
  1. No classes! No classes usually for me, but everyone has off for MLK Day
  2. Rice wraps for lunch with Annette?
  3. Finish off Patent Review site; transfer to PASS space, set access controls
  4. Continue monitoring MR26 Rhodo
  5. Outline CERS paper

January the Seventeenth

*wakeup* (bed a while after midnight, up at 8!)
Conviron Fistfight, round one
Breakfast for lunch with Annette (pancake mass-production)
Bike with Annette to the library
Lab junk
Pilot Plant dH2O fiasco
Conviron Fistfight, round two
The rather magical Fifth Floor
Inside the ceiling...
Conviron Knockout
Bike down to Garden House
Dinner with Annette (Halogen Pizzas, with tomato, jalapeno, green pepper, and dill)
Intermittent unconsciousness...
*crash* (three points for the bed couch)

January the Sixteenth

*wakeup* (late morning)
Straight to the lab...
Rhodo Harvest Setup (rather rushed)
Tutoring (Chem 212)
Rhodo Harvest, cont. (includes MR26 cryo, inoculation)
ChE 340 Review Session (late)
Harvest completion; supernatant pH, flash-freeze
Very very short Fenske Couch nap
4.5lbs of Fenske kitchen pasta...
Patent Website work
Back to the apartment....
Dinner II, music, relaxing
Daily Review

January the Fifteenth

*wakeup* (on Fenske Couch, 1:30am!)
Fenske Kitchen dish clearout
ChE 340 Feedback Form creation and distribution
Trips back-and-forth, Garden House and Fenske
  • Food transfer...
  • Geobacter LCD dropoff
HD troubleshooting - dead! RMA!
BMB 474
ChE 597C
Apartment nap
Thursday afternoon tutoring (Phys 250)
Quick Redifer dinner with Annette
Labwork; more Rhodo
Apartment: dishes!, major cleanup
Dinner II
Music relaxing

January the Fourteenth

Extraordinarily early-morning Fenske/LS visit (Conviron shift)
*CRASH* (all frickin' day)
Snow biking to Boucke
ChE 340, Section 2
Fenske; Amalie's laptop RAM research
Patent Review site construction
Unplanned Fenske *crash* (~10pm)

November the Thirteenth

Impossibly early morning planning...
90-minute nap
More Rhodo harvesting, corn shift...
Ultra-fast Garden House shower
Tutoring! (Chem 212)
Class! (first classes of the year)
  • BMB 474
  • ChE 597C
  • BMB 402... not!
Redifer lunch in the lab office
And the sink became a pond....
Lab maintenance with Sydney (pipette tips, glass pipette fun)
Twenty-minute nap...
KnowHow, but Phys 250 tutoring is cancelled
*crash* (90 minutes, spread-eagle on the big conference room table)
Back to Fenske....
Wegmans shopping with Ben and Annette
MORE Rhodo Harvesting
46 with Annette
Back to the apartment...
MASSIVE comm restructuring: email redux, new AIM...
Buddy List cleanup
All-nighter #...?

November the Twelvth

Finishing up ANOTHER lab overnight...
Mom NSF stuff dropoff
Breakfast @ Garden House
Annette stops by with Subway
Trek back up to Food Science...
Fenske: Amalie, ChE 340, and Patent Review work
ChE 340 (x2), Take One
Rhodo Sampling
Karmaa going-away dinner with Annette, Ben, Bryan
Apartment tea
Back to Fenske....
Keycard pickup from Ben
Rhodo Sampling (midnight)
All-night Rhodo

November the Eleventh

Rhodo Experimental Design
KnowHow emails
EOW Submission
Algae and Corn... Conviron shift
Rhodo sampling
Back to the apartment...
*crash* (early afternoon, until 6am!)
Dinner with Annette (spaghetti and stir fry)
Banana bread!
Late-night banana bread with Ben and Annette
Midnight return to Fenske
Lab form standardization
Google Docs, Sites cleanup
Rhodo Update email
Serious 'Team Rhodobacter' overhaul

January the Tenth

*wakeup* (2pm!)
Patent website development
Banana bread planning with Annette
Pizza experiment #2
Workout >> Shower
Annette visits (8pm; wrap leftovers for dinner)
Disturbing YouTube Videos: child beauty pageants
Annette dropoff
Bike to Fenske
Experimental Planning
Weekly Review
Experimental Execution All-Nighter

January the Ninth

*wakeup* (10:30)
ARPM tour (11:00)
Salvage pickup with Brian and Galen (also got an HDPE trashcan and a table)
Met Annette at Garden House...
Lunch with Annette; walk to Food Science
Lab: Rhodo dilutions
Textbook dropoff in 46
Long day in the lab...
Bike to meet Annette en route (10:45pm)
Midnight dinner (tortillas, cheese, salsa, brown rice, sauteed vegetables, avocado...)
Pizza experiment in the halogen oven (delicious, if messy)
Late-night Annette delivery
3am snowstorm bike ride
*crash* (5am)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January the Eighth

*wakeup* (7:30am)
Walk with Annette
Daily Review + V8
ARPM tour setup
Lunch with Bryan and Annette (pasta, potato wedges, soup, toasted cheese sandwiches...)
Lunch cleanup
Salvage with Brian (~4pm; picked up a huge tackboard)
Goodwill and RX with Brian
Dinner with Annette
Gattaca (take two)
Walk back...

January the Seventh

*wakeup* (11:40am)
Breakfast with Annette (Oatmeal, baked apples with raisins and pecans)
Cloud Cult
Walk up to Food Science (ice storm)
46 Fenske
Airport Rhodo drop-off
Dinner with Annette (7-grain spaghetti, sauteed vegetables, sauce, parmesan cheese, olives)
Focust Party
Gattaca with Annette (~40%)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January the Sixth

*wakeup* (6:45am)
Lab stuff
Lunch with Annette (cheese omelets and pumpkin bread)
Nap/Ice Storm
Final harvest, experimental wrap-up
Daily Review
Late Late Dinner

January the Fifth

*wakeup* (7am)
Trip to the apartment (dropoff speakers, clothes)
Lab stuff
Lunch with Annette (Quesadillas with black beans and hot salsa)
Post Office
Back to the lab...
Fenske Pudding with Brian
Shopping with Annette
Syrup Run
More Pancakes!

Monday, January 5, 2009

January the Fourth

*wakeup* (1:30am)
Rhodo-5... measuring and such
Rhodo-5 Harvests 1, 2, 3
Walk with Mustafa
3:30am cereal breakfast
Pancakes for tomorrow?
*crash* (4am)

January the Third

*wakeup* (3pm!)
To Fenske...
Experimental Housekeeping
Cafe Le Fensk - Pasta, stir-fried vegetables, sauce
Stargazing in the Hort Fields - Bryan, Brian, Galen, Katie
(yes, I thought an airplane was Saturn... it was cold!)
Back to my apartment...
Quesadillas and smoothies for all
Back to the lab...
Conviron Housekeeping
*crash* (8am)

Friday, January 2, 2009

January the Second

PID controller research
Battle with the incubator
Bank Run - FAIL
Rhodobacter house construction all day... inoculation at 4am, finish at 6:30am
Back to the apartment...
Three slices of cheesy toast
Half-conscious shower
*crash* (8am!)

January the First - Hello 2009

*wakeup* (6am-1pm)
Cereal for breakfast
Refrigerated box construction with Galen and Brian
Temperature adjustments all night...