Monday, February 9, 2009

February the Ninth - Brief Hiatus!

I've been busy with any number of things, but I've come to the realization that I'm more productive when I actively record what I do. Why? I think it's an issue of accountability... when I take the time to write it out, I can review what's getting done and what isn't and it's remotivating.

So, I'm back.

*wakeup* (9:10am)
Bed shift and remake
Apartment Cleanup
  • Wash, put away dishes
  • Wipe countertops
  • Take out trash
  • Sort recyclables
  • Sort mail
  • Sort clothing
Post Office Visit
  • Ship broken hard drive
  • Buy stamps for bills
Write - Write - Write

Lunch, OChem tutoring...
ChE 340 Feedback Form: update and mail
Text message recording
Set up voicemail recording

One-Week Resolutions (a year is way too long)
  • Avoid psuKnowHow candy (2/9-2/16)
  • At least one meal of a bowl of cereal per day (2/9-2/16)

On Deck:

Clean up ChE 597C homeworks >> Website
Review Carbonyl Chemistry; Notes Writeup
CERS Paper Submission Review

Review M.O. Theory; Notes Writeup
Review psuKnowHow (questions I couldn't answer!)
Read Rhodo grant
Phys 250 - Prep review materials

Dr. C:

Round Table Group
Set up YouMail retrieval
Springer 'Expression Systems' book?


psuKnowHow Activity Summary (lasers)
Spring Break >>> Concert Plans (tickets)
TI Application

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