Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March the Twenty-Fourth

Shower; file download
-- breakfast --
8:45-9:45 Tutoring - Chem 212
9:45-12:30 Class

Head back to apartment to work on Phys 214:
  • (X) Set up WebAssign
  • ( ) Read first chapter (33)
  • ( ) Do first WebAssign (Hwk 2)
  • ( ) Prewrite lab report
4:00-5:00 Tutoring - Phys 250
-- dinner --

Review ChE 210, 220 material
Begin prepping OChem Review (aromatics)

BMB 402

  • Finish "electron transport chain" readings
ChE 597C
  • Organize Website
  • AIChE Presentation details
  • Rescue plants; check on CPTC
  • Rebuild transfer hard drive
  • Activate sync on P4_H2O
  • Learn how to use RefWorks

Chemical Engineering
  • Experimental Design
  • Rational Data Fitting
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Numerical Methods and Modeling
  • Biochemical Thermodynamics
  • Molecular Stability, Enzymes and Kinetics, Concentration, Pathways and Regulation
Thought: teach a ChemE 'overview course' that treats the cell as a chemical reactor!

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