Monday, December 1, 2008

December the First

Up at 7:20! Who would have thought?

Today I'm going to pick up tickets to a free Eve 6 concert, tutor for five hours, and hit the BMB review session to see what the heck is going on in that class. Afterwords, a bit of homework and a decently-early bedtime (say, 1am). I think for the the time being, I want to get into an 'early to bed, early to rise' schedule to get myself a little more sunlight as it starts getting cold and miserable.

Today (Mon, Dec 1)
7:45 Breakfast (Flaxseed Crunch, almonds, walnuts, vanilla soymilk, white tea)
8:15 Hub (Eve 6 Tickets)
9:45 psuKnowHow - Phys 250
1:15p psuKnowHow - Phys 212
--No Bioprocessing Today!--
4p psuKnowHow - Biol 230
5p psuKnowHow - Phys 250
8p BMB 401H Review
Sterile Seed Distribution

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