Thursday, February 26, 2009

February the 26th


BMB 474 - work on ChE 597C stuff
ChE 597C - work on Chem 210 Review
- Fast Lunch -
BMB 402 - work on Chem 210 Review

Tutoring - Chem 210
Tutoring - Phys 250

ChE 597C stuff
Review Session stuff
Research Writing stuff
ChE 340 stuff

BMB 474 Test
BMB 402 Test

February the 25th

*wakeup* (8am)

To Do

Zydney - Bio Option course review
'Artificial Dormancy' project
Set up grow rack
Return library book
MP3 transfer (test rebuilt drive)
Rhodo Reactor Run paper

WRC: Library Notice?
Verizon discount for psu employees?

Check on CP order

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February the 24th

*wakeup* (5am)
Micrb 106 Review
Breakfast! (pancakes, oatmeal)
Tutoring (Chem 212)

Monday, February 23, 2009

February the 23rd

*wakeup* (12:30pm)
Office chair repair
Facebook Cleanup
BMB 402 notes review
Tutoring - Micrb 106
Music Boosters fundraiser dinner
KnowHow - file transfers and Office 2007 discovery
Garden House - pasta and stirfry (multiple meals)
Software install/uninstall/configuration
Breakfast planning and setup
*nap* (4:30am)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

February the 22nd

*wakeup* (2pm)
Wash dishes, clean the bathroom (1 hour)
Lunch, Algebra II (2 hours)
  • Tortillas, black beans, avocado, hot salsa, sharp cheddar, green peppers, jalapenos...
Nap (2 hours)
  • Cereal
  • Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans
  • Soy Milk
ChE 340 Statistics Review and Email
Mushroom Saute
  • Spring Greens
  • Carrots
  • Green Peppers
  • Sauteed Mushrooms
  • Olives
  • Olive Oil + Balsamic Vinegar + Parmesan Cheese
BMB 402 Slides Review

Saturday, February 21, 2009

February the 21st

*wakeup* (2pm)
Bob Dylan
Soup and cereal to work
Wheatabix and Peachy Paterno at Barnard Street
psuKnowHow computer improvements
Capsaicin research
Text message archiving

On Deck

BMB 402 Slides Review
Review for Chem 210, test 2
Clean up ChE 597C homeworks >> Website
Math 110 Review Session Materials
ChE 340 Review Email
Erik - Math

Scholarships -
Chem 110, 112, 210 Review Session Planning
Bike Wash
Bike maintenance 'clinic'
Complete setup of the first growth rack in A14

One-Week Resolutions

Ten bowls of cereal/soup (2/22-2/29)

Friday, February 20, 2009

February the 20th

*wakeup* (8:20am)
Determine exactly what courses are needed for ChE, BMB
Matt - Scheduling
Ben - WW access
Jeremy - Instruction Update
General email purge
Return to Garden House... Breakfast, Shower
ChE 340 Meeting
Tutoring - Chem 212
ChE 340 planning
ChE 340 Review
Dinner @ Home
Email Review
Back to campus!

On Deck

Scholarships -

Thursday, February 19, 2009

February the 19th

*wakeup* (8am)
Bike brake pad swap
Complete dish wash
Food to Fenske
BMB 402 Review
NETL meeting
Phys 250 Tutoring
Trek to Wartik
Email sorting
Phone Home

On Deck

Review Session Planning
ChE 597C Homework
BMB 402 Slides Review
Bike Wash
Erik - Math
Matt - Scheduling
Determine exactly what courses are needed for ChE, BMB


Pick up tickets, hard drive, monitor from home
Guaranty signatures for '09-'10 lease

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February the 18th

Garden plot signup and planning
  • WSK garden?
  • BPL greenhouse?
Road bike brake swap
psuKnowHow advertising
Bill mailing
More bike work
psuKnowHow advertising
Tutoring: BMB 251
Voicemail deconvolution
Angel deconstruction
ChE 340 - both sections

Determine exactly what courses are needed for ChE, BMB
BMB 402 Review
Bike wash
Complete dish wash
ChE 597C Homework

On Deck

Hit home: pick up tickets, replacement hard drive
Signatures for Garanty
Bike maintenance 'clinic'
Complete setup of the first growth rack in A14



Decide to do one thing at a time
Showers take 15-20 mins... plan accordingly
Cereal can replace most meals... plant cereal components at work

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February the Tenth

*wakeup* (8am)
psuKnowHow - Chem 212 (8:45)
BMB 474
ChE 597C
Lunch (Cereal)
Apartment Selection

On Deck

Clean up ChE 597C homeworks >> Website
CERS Paper Submission Review

Review M.O. Theory; Notes Writeup
Review psuKnowHow (questions I couldn't answer!)

Spring Scheduling
Summer Discovery Grant
Scholarship Overview
IUG Paperwork
Read Rhodo grant
Phys 250 - Prep review materials

Monday, February 9, 2009

February the Ninth - Brief Hiatus!

I've been busy with any number of things, but I've come to the realization that I'm more productive when I actively record what I do. Why? I think it's an issue of accountability... when I take the time to write it out, I can review what's getting done and what isn't and it's remotivating.

So, I'm back.

*wakeup* (9:10am)
Bed shift and remake
Apartment Cleanup
  • Wash, put away dishes
  • Wipe countertops
  • Take out trash
  • Sort recyclables
  • Sort mail
  • Sort clothing
Post Office Visit
  • Ship broken hard drive
  • Buy stamps for bills
Write - Write - Write

Lunch, OChem tutoring...
ChE 340 Feedback Form: update and mail
Text message recording
Set up voicemail recording

One-Week Resolutions (a year is way too long)
  • Avoid psuKnowHow candy (2/9-2/16)
  • At least one meal of a bowl of cereal per day (2/9-2/16)

On Deck:

Clean up ChE 597C homeworks >> Website
Review Carbonyl Chemistry; Notes Writeup
CERS Paper Submission Review

Review M.O. Theory; Notes Writeup
Review psuKnowHow (questions I couldn't answer!)
Read Rhodo grant
Phys 250 - Prep review materials

Dr. C:

Round Table Group
Set up YouMail retrieval
Springer 'Expression Systems' book?


psuKnowHow Activity Summary (lasers)
Spring Break >>> Concert Plans (tickets)
TI Application