Monday, January 19, 2009

January the Eighteenth

*wakeup* (~8am)
Hot water heating
Morning baking
Baked cinnamon apples with raisins, pecans, and vanilla ice cream
White vinegar soak
LS for Conviron check...
Patent Review polishing
Home for pizza
*crash* on the floor...
Back to Fenske
Rhodo sample transfer
Waterin' the plants; fixture musical chairs
Laser sales update; unpacking, testing, labeling...
Back to Garden House (~1:30am)
Major bathtub scrubbin'
Internets and Banana Bread
Eleven days of blog catch-up! (to 5:15am)
Grapes, soy milk, tortilla, cheese, black beans, green peppers, hot salsa, dill

What a week...

Planning for tomorrow (Monday):
  1. No classes! No classes usually for me, but everyone has off for MLK Day
  2. Rice wraps for lunch with Annette?
  3. Finish off Patent Review site; transfer to PASS space, set access controls
  4. Continue monitoring MR26 Rhodo
  5. Outline CERS paper

January the Seventeenth

*wakeup* (bed a while after midnight, up at 8!)
Conviron Fistfight, round one
Breakfast for lunch with Annette (pancake mass-production)
Bike with Annette to the library
Lab junk
Pilot Plant dH2O fiasco
Conviron Fistfight, round two
The rather magical Fifth Floor
Inside the ceiling...
Conviron Knockout
Bike down to Garden House
Dinner with Annette (Halogen Pizzas, with tomato, jalapeno, green pepper, and dill)
Intermittent unconsciousness...
*crash* (three points for the bed couch)

January the Sixteenth

*wakeup* (late morning)
Straight to the lab...
Rhodo Harvest Setup (rather rushed)
Tutoring (Chem 212)
Rhodo Harvest, cont. (includes MR26 cryo, inoculation)
ChE 340 Review Session (late)
Harvest completion; supernatant pH, flash-freeze
Very very short Fenske Couch nap
4.5lbs of Fenske kitchen pasta...
Patent Website work
Back to the apartment....
Dinner II, music, relaxing
Daily Review

January the Fifteenth

*wakeup* (on Fenske Couch, 1:30am!)
Fenske Kitchen dish clearout
ChE 340 Feedback Form creation and distribution
Trips back-and-forth, Garden House and Fenske
  • Food transfer...
  • Geobacter LCD dropoff
HD troubleshooting - dead! RMA!
BMB 474
ChE 597C
Apartment nap
Thursday afternoon tutoring (Phys 250)
Quick Redifer dinner with Annette
Labwork; more Rhodo
Apartment: dishes!, major cleanup
Dinner II
Music relaxing

January the Fourteenth

Extraordinarily early-morning Fenske/LS visit (Conviron shift)
*CRASH* (all frickin' day)
Snow biking to Boucke
ChE 340, Section 2
Fenske; Amalie's laptop RAM research
Patent Review site construction
Unplanned Fenske *crash* (~10pm)

November the Thirteenth

Impossibly early morning planning...
90-minute nap
More Rhodo harvesting, corn shift...
Ultra-fast Garden House shower
Tutoring! (Chem 212)
Class! (first classes of the year)
  • BMB 474
  • ChE 597C
  • BMB 402... not!
Redifer lunch in the lab office
And the sink became a pond....
Lab maintenance with Sydney (pipette tips, glass pipette fun)
Twenty-minute nap...
KnowHow, but Phys 250 tutoring is cancelled
*crash* (90 minutes, spread-eagle on the big conference room table)
Back to Fenske....
Wegmans shopping with Ben and Annette
MORE Rhodo Harvesting
46 with Annette
Back to the apartment...
MASSIVE comm restructuring: email redux, new AIM...
Buddy List cleanup
All-nighter #...?

November the Twelvth

Finishing up ANOTHER lab overnight...
Mom NSF stuff dropoff
Breakfast @ Garden House
Annette stops by with Subway
Trek back up to Food Science...
Fenske: Amalie, ChE 340, and Patent Review work
ChE 340 (x2), Take One
Rhodo Sampling
Karmaa going-away dinner with Annette, Ben, Bryan
Apartment tea
Back to Fenske....
Keycard pickup from Ben
Rhodo Sampling (midnight)
All-night Rhodo

November the Eleventh

Rhodo Experimental Design
KnowHow emails
EOW Submission
Algae and Corn... Conviron shift
Rhodo sampling
Back to the apartment...
*crash* (early afternoon, until 6am!)
Dinner with Annette (spaghetti and stir fry)
Banana bread!
Late-night banana bread with Ben and Annette
Midnight return to Fenske
Lab form standardization
Google Docs, Sites cleanup
Rhodo Update email
Serious 'Team Rhodobacter' overhaul

January the Tenth

*wakeup* (2pm!)
Patent website development
Banana bread planning with Annette
Pizza experiment #2
Workout >> Shower
Annette visits (8pm; wrap leftovers for dinner)
Disturbing YouTube Videos: child beauty pageants
Annette dropoff
Bike to Fenske
Experimental Planning
Weekly Review
Experimental Execution All-Nighter

January the Ninth

*wakeup* (10:30)
ARPM tour (11:00)
Salvage pickup with Brian and Galen (also got an HDPE trashcan and a table)
Met Annette at Garden House...
Lunch with Annette; walk to Food Science
Lab: Rhodo dilutions
Textbook dropoff in 46
Long day in the lab...
Bike to meet Annette en route (10:45pm)
Midnight dinner (tortillas, cheese, salsa, brown rice, sauteed vegetables, avocado...)
Pizza experiment in the halogen oven (delicious, if messy)
Late-night Annette delivery
3am snowstorm bike ride
*crash* (5am)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January the Eighth

*wakeup* (7:30am)
Walk with Annette
Daily Review + V8
ARPM tour setup
Lunch with Bryan and Annette (pasta, potato wedges, soup, toasted cheese sandwiches...)
Lunch cleanup
Salvage with Brian (~4pm; picked up a huge tackboard)
Goodwill and RX with Brian
Dinner with Annette
Gattaca (take two)
Walk back...

January the Seventh

*wakeup* (11:40am)
Breakfast with Annette (Oatmeal, baked apples with raisins and pecans)
Cloud Cult
Walk up to Food Science (ice storm)
46 Fenske
Airport Rhodo drop-off
Dinner with Annette (7-grain spaghetti, sauteed vegetables, sauce, parmesan cheese, olives)
Focust Party
Gattaca with Annette (~40%)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January the Sixth

*wakeup* (6:45am)
Lab stuff
Lunch with Annette (cheese omelets and pumpkin bread)
Nap/Ice Storm
Final harvest, experimental wrap-up
Daily Review
Late Late Dinner

January the Fifth

*wakeup* (7am)
Trip to the apartment (dropoff speakers, clothes)
Lab stuff
Lunch with Annette (Quesadillas with black beans and hot salsa)
Post Office
Back to the lab...
Fenske Pudding with Brian
Shopping with Annette
Syrup Run
More Pancakes!

Monday, January 5, 2009

January the Fourth

*wakeup* (1:30am)
Rhodo-5... measuring and such
Rhodo-5 Harvests 1, 2, 3
Walk with Mustafa
3:30am cereal breakfast
Pancakes for tomorrow?
*crash* (4am)

January the Third

*wakeup* (3pm!)
To Fenske...
Experimental Housekeeping
Cafe Le Fensk - Pasta, stir-fried vegetables, sauce
Stargazing in the Hort Fields - Bryan, Brian, Galen, Katie
(yes, I thought an airplane was Saturn... it was cold!)
Back to my apartment...
Quesadillas and smoothies for all
Back to the lab...
Conviron Housekeeping
*crash* (8am)

Friday, January 2, 2009

January the Second

PID controller research
Battle with the incubator
Bank Run - FAIL
Rhodobacter house construction all day... inoculation at 4am, finish at 6:30am
Back to the apartment...
Three slices of cheesy toast
Half-conscious shower
*crash* (8am!)

January the First - Hello 2009

*wakeup* (6am-1pm)
Cereal for breakfast
Refrigerated box construction with Galen and Brian
Temperature adjustments all night...